
Need some help with multiplication? For some students it is really hard for them to remember the steps of standard multiplication. Earlier in the semester I made a short video for our students in class and I wanted to make it available for everyone. If you scan the QR code below it will take you right to the video for a short tutorial on Multiplication using a grid.

Preview of your QR Code

Hopefully this will help:)


Week 23- Math Night!

Hope all of you are having a GREAT weekend! This week is going to be another awesome week to be in fifth grade, not to mention it is only a 4 day week!! This week in math we will be focusing on Elapsed Time and Temperature.


  • Things to look out for this week:

Monday: NO SCHOOL!

Tuesday: Homework sent home- covering geometry and review of past skills.


Thursday: MATH NIGHT! Starts at 6 p.m.- come out for some strategies and fun!

Friday: Homework due and 2D and 3D shapes quiz


Here are some online resources for elapsed time:

Elapsed Time- 2 ways
Elapsed Time- Z Strategy
Elapsed Time- Open Timeline

Hope you will come out for math night! Have a great week 🙂